My Street Team – ONNAB

IMG_3615ONNAB, I hear you muttering …??

Street team

And I’d love YOU to be a part of it

Never heard of a ‘street team’ – what does it entail?

If you are addicted to Twitter, are a reviewer with a blog, and post on Amazon and Goodreads etc, then I’d be thrilled and honoured to have you join my ONNAB team!

Pen smallI write books … but it’s professional reviewers like yourselves who spread the word and help an author to have some visibility in today’s frenetic book market.

If you haven’t already read one of my novels, then take a look around my website and try some of the sample chapters. Written from the heart, for the heart … Sometimes there’s a spirit of two helping my characters along the way, sometimes not. I write chick lit/women’s contemporary romance and psychic romance.

I love banter and chatter on Twitter and actively support every review I receive across all of my social media networks, as I appreciate every single one!

Publication1In return you get an arc as far in advance of launch day as I’m able, all my latest news before it happens so that you can be a part of ‘breaking’ that news. If you are able to write your review before launch day, then (with your permission) I will use small quotes from it, in advance promotion to get your blog name out there on FB and Twitter!

If you need copies of ebooks or paperbacks to offer as prizes on your blog, then drop me a line and it’s done! From time to time I’ll have other freebies you can offer to your visitors to help boost your blog.

As the street team develops hopefully it will grow into something fun and interactive – with chatter times on Twitter and FB when we can all agree to hang out and have a laugh!

Thanks for dropping by and if you’d like to ‘sign up’ then email me at:, or use the website contact tab.

Have a truly inspiring day!
