Kim TheBookworm Nash (click here to read full review)
This was definitely one of those books which makes you switch off from the outside world and escape into a world of make believe but one that you would love to be involved with.
Linn has a wonderful way of creating the most wonderful characters that you want to be best friends with. Her characters and her scenes are believable and wonderful. You can imagine yourself sat in the kitchen with Katherine while she is writing her book and can picture everything that is mentioned within your imagination.
This was a delightful read, like every other book of Linn’s that I have read. This is a book which will make you laugh and it will make you cry. And she always manages to create a perfect ending!
Tobi @ Forget the Housework, I’m Reading – Definite must read
How Distracted Did I Get? You will laugh, cry and everything in between in this amazingly drawn together story. Katherine is a normal curvy girl who is a Gemini and that means two parts pulling her different ways. She’s a spitfire and I love it! Sometimes I wonder if I should be a Gemini instead of Virgo! LOL Anyway with becoming redundant (laid off for us Yanks!LOL) and a “love triangle” that doesn’t exist she perseveres through the tough times.
Author Anna Silver:
Ms. Halton has written a lovely story which was hard to put down. The Quintessential Gemini is a definite for your tbr list.
I should start this review by stating that I am not a romance reader. I have very little to compare in that genre. But I do get a fair amount of romance in with my steady YA diet and so I think I must not be totally inept to write this review.

I have one word to sum up everything that makes this book a to-read pick: voice. The voice of main character Katherine Dale is unforgettable. Voice is one of those qualities that can’t be taught. You either have it or you don’t. Halton proves she has the chops to be a great author with the voice of this character. And I cannot move forward without mentioning the ever-adorable feline, No. 4, whose voice was nearly as significant as Katherine’s.
I also like to consider myself a connoisseur of opening lines and THE QUINTESSENTIAL GEMINI surprised me with a new favorite. “Finding myself lying flat on my back on the kitchen floor and looking up at the underside of the kitchen table, it occurs to me that height is very relative to one’s perspective on life.” It doesn’t take the #1 spot in my heart held by legendary Ray Bradbury, but then again, it’s near impossible to top Ray Bradbury. Kudos to Halton for knowing how to work an opening!
All that said, I’d have liked it if there was more about astrology in the storyline, as that’s what really piqued my interest. But that’s probably my paranormal side talking. And frankly, I prefer my romances a little more dark and twisted, but again, that’s more of a genre issue. Altogether, this was a great read and I highly recommend it, especially if you are looking for something light, fun, and a sheer pleasure.
Jera’s Jamboree – If you’re looking for a book to escape from reality for a few hours then The Quintessential Gemini will fulfil that
The writing style is well-paced and easy to read. I thought the sub-plots weaving through the story added depth. The breast clinic scene is portrayed so well – the atmosphere is palpable. James’ relationship with his elderly neighbour Jake is heart-touching and I just loved that on the first Tuesday of every school holiday is ‘Girls Day’ for Kat, her sister Cassie and her two children.
Astrologically themed, there is factual information as well as the forecasts that Kat shares with us. If you have no interest in Astrology, don’t let that put you off … the astrology is the foundation for a contemporary romance that encompasses village life and some brilliant characters. Although Kat has been ‘knocked’ from her redundancy it is James who we see growing as a character. I always enjoy seeing a character develop … and it’s a refreshing change for it to be a male lead.
K. Mettner “K. Mettner” – A fun flirty summer romance!
Laid off tax accountant Katherine Dale is left looking to the stars for guidance, but instead of finding her usual comfort in the horoscope by her favorite astrologer she finds herself faced with horoscopes done by his new assistant, something she is less than pleased about. With her cat No. 4 by her side in her lonely country cottage she struggles to write her novel while being “misaligned and misguided” by James. Can two people who let the stars control their lives manage to find a way to be together? Linn adds several lovely underlying story threads to round out the romance and the end will surprise you! I found the story to be a fun, flirty romance that leaves you with a new friend in crazy Katherine. As a Gemini through and through, I highly recommend The Quintessential Gemini! Linn B. Halton is a star!
Lougrahamii – The Perfect Chick Lit!
To me Linn’s writing style is more like a friend sat on a sofa next to you telling you the story than words on a page – captivating!
Whilst I was reading this story, I could so easily imagine this could be a movie I would watch at the cinema as it’s young and fresh. A truly fabulous, fun and enjoyable read that you’ll want to finish in a single sitting. I was disappointed when I had reached the last line, not for any other reason than I didn’t want it to end, that’s a sure sign I enjoyed it!
Erin Al-Mehairi – Great Summer Romance that is Out of this World
The Quintessential Gemini, by Linn B. Halton, was a refreshing and original romance tale like none other I’ve read in a very long time! Linn has an amazing writing voice, so much so you’ll feel as if you are taking part in the book yourself…I fell in love with all her characters and felt their emotions right along with them at each stage in the novel. It’s such a heartfelt tale where everything is crafted perfectly.…this is the perfect fun read for a lazy summer day in a hammock, but if you have kids you better get a sitter because you won’t put this book down!
InTheBook – The Quintessential Gemini
I really loved The Quintessential Gemini. It’s a sweet romance with a lot of cute humor interwoven. There’s not a lot of action or suspense in the book, but there was just something about it that had me hooked as Linn B. Halton took me through the musings of a Gemini. Great summer read.
Darlene Jones – Tops in chick lit genre
Chick lit isn’t one of my favorite genres, but I tried (and found that I liked) Quintessential Gemini. In this instance, the author has avoided the “frantic cuteness” and overdone attempts at humor that pervade much of the genre. I liked that the heroine was a bit older, that the characters had flaws, but managed to live good lives anyway. I liked the setting of small town England. I liked that the actions and relationships were “normal” with a few unexpected but realistic twists. This easily could have been the story of your next door neighbours. The astrological element added additional interest. I don’t live by my horoscope, but it was interesting to learn a bit about astrology and how the characters applied it to their lives. All in all a fun read so take a copy to the beach with you this summer.
L. H. Healy “Books are life, beauty and truth.” – ‘The year will start with a bang and you won’t be disappointed with the way it ends.’
Linn B. Halton has successfully depicted people at key turning points in their life, making observations about life, love, relationships, insecurities and independence. She writes with affection for her characters and a genuine enthusiasm and passion for, and evident knowledge of, astrology; Katherine’s Gemini horoscope is incorporated into the storyline; it is a key element of her day and of the plot. If you are especially interested in astrology and following how the predictions in horoscopes are represented in your life, as Katherine does in hers here, you’ll find it even more engaging. A fun and heartwarming story for summer.
Queen B “Great romantic read!“
This novel was a really good read, featuring well-drawn characters, described to perfection. Crazy Katherine is down on her luck and lives her life according to her horoscope. What she doesn’t count on is meeting astrologer James and him making her see stars! At first she sees them for all the wrong reasons but as this story develops so do their feelings for one another.
A delightful story set in a quaint English village with characters you will think you’ve met before! I loved old Jake and Tom the postman!
A must read!
Beth Cutwright – “I loved it!”
This is a sweet romance story and one I could relate to wholeheartedly. The characters all had their flaws and redemptive qualities and each character grew within the confines of the pages. I just wanted to cheer them on! Oh and I must mention No. 4 as he seemed to be everyone’s sounding board…..Yes, he was awesome in the wisdom he dispensed!! What a guy!