Some wonderful people…….

Getting involved in has taken over my life for a short while leading up the Launch Day on 29 June 2011 (sorry about that! I have turned into this PR mad person!).  However, I do also have a ‘much-loved’ writer’s hat of my own and I will soon be back to ‘living my dream’ and writing full time.

In the meantime some wonderful people have taken their precious time to talk about ‘me’, and as a new Author that is more meaningful than the words imply.  Selling books isn’t easy; getting your name ‘out there’ isn’t easy and then there are the reviews.  You write in good faith, believing you have done the best you can and that ‘your baby’ will thrill the readers.  But it’s not as simple as that, how do you get those wonderful READERS to know your book even exists?

So a big ‘warm hug’ to the wonderful Kathryn Brown, fellow Author on and still basking in the glory of the fantastic feedback from her own novel ‘Discovery At Rosehill‘!  She took time out to write this wonderful review of my debut novel ‘Touched by The Light‘:


A big ‘thank you’ also to the well-known and very  talented ‘sceptical medium’:

Lorraine Goodrich for her article featuring ‘Being A Sceptic Is Oh So Easy‘ today:

This wasn’t a book I wrote expecting to get reviews, as it isn’t fiction, it’s simply a true story of why I believe in life after death.  So anyone who takes an interest tends to either have had similar experiences or has lost loved ones and can sympathise with the emotions expressed within this story.  So for someone like Lorraine to take an interest, I was both surprised and delighted!

The fact that both of these wonderful ladies are involved with the website ‘Authors on Show‘ is no coincidence and is a brilliant example of how authors support each other.  There are many new Authors out there who deserve to be read and I am humbled that my fellow authors take time out to read and write about my work.

And you know what the really great thing is?  I have two new authors who I intend to read …. as soon as is Launched and the excitement subsides JUST a little – however, I suspect the enthusiasm is going to be riding high for quite a while, so I will be reading in whatever spare time I get.

Who needs TV?  Not me …. I’ve got interesting authors to read and my life has never been so exciting!  So to anyone out there feeling there’s ‘something missing’ – come and join us, reading is a way of escaping – a way of becoming a part of a writer’s imagination and you just need to let them lead you along their path…….. it’s fun!