On not giving up on your dreams, sunny days and kiddie slides!


A week of reflection  ‘spend more time thinking about what we have achieved, rather than dwelling on what he haven’t YET achieved…’, enjoying the sun and zipping down slides...

When the sun comes out you have to enjoy it and our three-weekly trip to North Wales, to spend time with family, was an amazing day out.


We travelled from Rhyl to Llanelli and the boats were bobbing, the sea was an amazing shade of blue and the sun kissed our skin…the next day it began raining!

It’s been another week of constrasts. Writing a post for the upcoming promotion of Ceri’s journey: Angels for the Romantic Novelists’ Association (going live 5 July) I talked about research. In truth I’ve been researching this series for a long time. It involved attending two Gayatri mantra chanting sessions, which I cover in detail in one of the chapters. It was an amazing experience and I hope readers will find it fascinating too. I’ve also posted Chapter 1 and the pre-release blurb on the website, so at long last I really feel this three-part story (each novella of around 30,000 words in length) is nearly there. My newest ‘book baby’. It is surreal as I work on part 2 – Truth, spending my spare hours thinking about angels and going through the notes that I’ve made over a period of three years. 30,000 words might not sound like much to write, but it’s the background that takes the time.

Ceri cover reveal badge

It was a busy weekend as both the monthly LLm Newsletter (where I interviewed fabulous author Sue Moorcroft) and my own personal ‘interior design tips’ newsletter had to be written and sent out.

LLm Newsletter May

Livin and Lovin Life 101 newsletter

This edition is all about mirror fun – inside and out!

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Construction site chaos!

Kiddie time took up three days, plus another day for the trip to North Wales with three little ones, so at the moment my life is full of crawling around on the floor or visiting play centres. My weekly charge, little Bill, will be three in August and in September he starts pre-school. So I’m trying to make the most of every single moment we have. We tried out a new play centre – Play Space – and I have to say I scared myself silly on the slides. I have no problem climbing up cargo nets and getting to the top level on these complicated and well-designed play activities. But the slides, which all the kids were loving and zipping down, made my stomach roll over.  At one point little Bill had just pushed me into the slide tunnel (that is a shute and curves) saying ‘You go first, then Bill’. I found myself sprawling on the play mat at the end of the shute thinking ‘I seriously cannot do that again…’ After three hours I was shattered but Bill still had energy to burn, so home it was for more fun and games playing with the garage and a construction site dilemma…

If you haven’t read The Quintessential Gemini yet, there’s a copy up for grabs in swag bag #4, in the Myaddictionisreading summer giveaway the promo runs through to the 31 May 2013.


It was a week of mixed news from friends – some sad, some unfortunate and one or two bright moments. But it did make me think that life is a constant struggle for everyone, no matter what they do or their personal situation. We all have problems, they are just all very different. I read Emma Calin’s post ‘Thank you for the music’ and, as usual, Emma thinx hit the nail on the head: “This is often a sharp elbowed world and sometimes for me the struggle seems too hollow to compete”. Poignant and I know a couple of people who have recently given up on their dream because they felt the battle was too hard. Check out Emmas post:


I’m also reading the first completed manuscript by a lady who attended the Loveahappyending Summer Audience event held last year. She decided to go away and begin writing again, after a few previous attempts that didn’t go through to conclusion! It’s a great story and we are getting our heads together to take it to the next stage. It’s thrilling to think that the event the LLm team held in Tetbury, in the UK, inspired others to follow their dream!

So this week I thought I’d end with something upon which to ponder. Maybe sometimes we have to be a little more realistic in our dreams, but we should NEVER give up. Only make adjustments as we travel along life’s path and spend more time thinking about what we have achieved, rather than dwelling on what he haven’t YET achieved

Thanks for dropping by, a writer’s life is often a lonely one…
