A Greek Affair is now available in Italian “Sotto il caldo sole della Grecia” – formato Kindle + copertina flessible (in eformat and paperback) from Newton Compton Editori!
Occuparsi di sua figlia, dedicarsi al lavoro e ottenere al più presto il divorzio dal suo ex: queste sono le priorità che Leah si è data. Anche se rischia di rinunciare a qualcosa, è sicura che sia la strategia migliore per curare il suo cuore dopo la fine di un matrimonio. Ma le cose sono destinate a cambiare. Quando il suo blog si aggiudica un prestigioso premio, Leah viene letteralmente inondata di inviti a recensire le più esclusive destinazioni di tutto il mondo. All’inizio è restia ad accettare, ma in fondo che male c’è a godersi un po’ di quell’inaspettato relax? La prospettiva di panorami mozzafiato e squisiti cocktail di benvenuto è decisamente allettante. Così, dopo averci riflettuto, decide di imbarcarsi in un’avventura tra le isole greche. Quello che non sa è che – complice quel mare azzurro e quel sole abbagliante – il suo cuore potrebbe ricominciare a battere…
Il sole della Grecia può scaldare un cuore ferito?
«L’autrice riesce a trattare con delicatezza un tema molto attuale: le nuove relazioni per i genitori single. Adorabile.»
«La lettura perfetta per una vacanza in Grecia. Adorabile.»
Life can be a little too hectic and demanding at times, so it’s important to establish a few coping techniques.
Today I have three top tips – motivational messages, pamper time, and how to ease an aching back for those who spend hours on the computer!
As an author I’m used to deadlines, but recently I had three lots of edits/proof reads from two different publishers all arrive within a couple of days of each other. Normally that’s not a problem – if they arrive one at a time. There’s no schedule for their arrival and normally the deadline is two to three weeks. That gives plenty of time to cope with the little problems life throws up on a regular basis and the usual ankle-biters – that unexpected blip on the computer, family demands, invitations you can’t refuse and (as it’s summer) hay fever.
It was time to focus and prioritise. After a few extremely long days, interspersed with babysitting duties (which are, of course, top priority), two of the three tasks were ticked off my list. Then back to the biggest task – a full structural edit.
So how do I keep it all together when, even in my ‘super-organised life‘, things I cannot control hit me head-on as if I’m being tested? Well, a few months ago I discovered The Universe Has Your Back! It’s a 52-card deck of cards from Gabrielle Bernstein, the gorgeous artwork is by Micaela Ezra.
Each morning I shuffle the cards until one falls out and I keep that card on my desk as a motivational tool. On the day that the third lot of edits arrived, two cards fell out and suddenly my spirits lifted. It reminded me to stop stressing and get on with it! I realised that: A. I’m fortunate enough to do something I love and I should never forget that, and B. once these three deadlines are out the way I can get back to my work in progress. Which is a Christmas book and I love being in Christmas mode!
I’d slipped into ‘woe is me’ mode, when the work really is fun AND although it was an obstacle, I was going in the right direction! The natural reaction to suddenly being swamped (when you are a planner) is to panic. Panicking wastes time and energy, and it’s a negative emotion. I also read tarot and oracle cards, which I find a great de-stressing tool, but I’ll come back to that in a future blog post.
and I can honestly say they are a little boost to kick-start my day. What I also find rather surreal, is how often the message really links in with whatever is going on with me. There is a lot of negativity in this world and sometimes it can hit you when you are least able to fend it off. You might be feeling unwell, struggling with a problem you can’t easily resolve, or have had your armour dented. Enough to have chipped away at your confidence. Here’s one card that really made me stop and think, on a day I was feeling quite emotional:
I recognise that I have chosen fear, and I choose again. I CHOOSE LOVE.
Enough said. If you are looking for a little bit of happiness in a box, these might just be for you.
A spa day is a very rare treat for me. I’m probably working harder than I’ve ever worked in my life before and I’m happy (and grateful) to be doing that, BUT I’m always aware of stress. Just spending hours in front of a computer screen, or even sitting in the garden writing on my iPad, it’s all pure concentration. So how do I unwind?
My weekly (sometimes twice-weekly if I need it) pamper kit doesn’t cost a lot. I nip into our local HOME BARGAINS store and for less than £5 I’m sorted. The Dead Sea Collection bath salts (£1.99) are amazing and my favourite is the lavender oil salts, although I do like the coconut oil variety, too. Containing magnesium (for good metabolism), potassium (for good energy flow), bromide (a natural antiseptic and skin smoother), chloride (for good cell mineral balance) and sodium (which balances water levels) a 30-minute soak revitalises and relaxes me. One tub this size (34.2 oz) is enough for 5 sessions.
While I’m soaking I love the Derma V10 woven masks. Usually they are on sale at just under £1 each. Soaked in collagen, you lay the mask over your face while you relax in the bath. It’s cooling on the skin and leaves it feeling very soft.
I’m also an avid fan of exfoliating – and I will be posting more about this in a future post on home facials. The gloves, which cost £1 a pair, last for months. I use Cusson’s Imperial Leather gentle care soapfor sensitive skin and find that it lathers well on the gloves, leaving my skin with a little glow.
A home spa treatment that doesn’t cost a fortune – but always test a product on your skin before you use it for the first time. Just in case you have an allergy, or it’s too strong for you.
Even though I take regular breaks, I work long hours on the computer. I use an old, wooden, science lab stool which aligns my spine without any conscious effort and is very comfortable. But I’ve found, increasingly, that I’ve been rounding my shoulders, almost hunching them without noticing what I was doing.
I purchased this Gritin posture corrector for £9.99 and the different it has made is incredible. I wear it whenever I’m typing. Well, to be honest, I wear it all the time when I’m at home. And when I’m exercising (more to come on that topic very soon).
Not only has it stopped the ache I was getting, but muscles – it seems – have a memory. My posture has never been the best, but I do stand straighter now and feel much better for it. I certainly no longer roll my shoulders forward while I’m typing and that, too, encourages me to maintain the natural curve of my spine. The one I purchased is out of stock at the moment but a quick look on Amazon and I found a similar product:
But there are lots of styles to choose from to suit every price range.
I think that today’s post pretty well sums up what’s going on in my life at the moment. Some very intense periods of work which I’m trying my best to balance out by making sure I feel good. Both mentally and physically.
When I’m on the other side of this frenetic period, I will be able to take some quality down-time. But my focus is firmly on not comfort eating, or over-indulging in anything that will end up leaving me feeling jaded. I still fit in my exercise regime every other day and adhere to the healthy eating programme I began almost a year ago.
What has to give? Well, social media isn’t just a part of my work, it’s a part of my life. It’s how I stay in touch with people I don’t see very often. However, I’m only human and there are only so many hours in a day. So to friends awaiting messages from me – “waves” and so glad you popped in to see what I’m up to! I will be back, I promise. I just have a Christmas book to finish and then I’m taking a break… maybe…
Please note – all opinions are my own. Any products/links I share are because I have purchased, or used the product, and I have no affiliation with the product/person/organisation. As they say – sharing is caring and if you find something you like, then job done! Until next time…
Have you ever wondered why so many of the old wives’ tales and sayings contain more than simply a grain of truth? Well, often it’s all about common sense, but there’s nothing at all common about sense. It took a lot of life experience for these little gems of wisdom to be seemingly conjured up out of thin air.
A stitch in time saves nine – sounds bizarre, doesn’t it? But years ago when you couldn’t simply pop to the shop and buy a new jumper (due to cost and/or availability), someone had to sit down with needles and wool to knit it. And what happened if it developed a hole? Well, you stitched it, because if you didn’t the hole would get bigger and before you knew it, it wouldn’t be wearable.
Like it, or not, life experience teaches us lessons that we need to learn. But that means being aware and taking note. Or going around in circles constantly making the same mistakes.
Which leads me to the question ‘Is it time to get your ducks in a row?‘
Spring and summer is a time of renewal and Mother Nature knows her stuff! She does it every single year. Time to let the old leaves etc break down and go back into the earth and replace it with fresh, new shoots. And then comes the explosion of colour and vibrancy, which along with some sunshine is like a shot of adrenaline. Mother nature does an annual de-clutter and so should we!
Learn to take life’s little shortcuts
Doing an annual clean to spruce up the house is both cathartic and re-energising. But more than that it also raises the spirits. Your surroundings matter. If you live in a disorganised, dusty/dirty environment your surroundings can begin to feel oppressive. If you live in an orderly, clean environment… you get the message. Home should be a relaxing place, your haven from the world.
Working from home, with tight deadlines, I can honestly say that I work best when I feel that all aspects of my life are reasonably under control. My first priority is family/friends, then work, but in order to keep everything ticking over I’ve had to share the ‘home’ workload (which was tough for me). Together, my partner and I whip things into shape in the least time possible by keeping on top of everything.
Top tips for that once-a-year kick-start to achieve the feelgood factor:
Start at the top of the house and work down.
Buy a long-handled duster mop and work from the top of the walls down to the floor.
Clean the light fittings.
I use Flash lemon cleaner to wet wipe every surface, furniture, skirting boards and doors. Don’t forget the light switches.
Vacuum every inch of the floor/wet wash if a solid floor.
Vacuum the mattresses. Check your duvets, pillows and pillow shams – do they need washing, or replacing?
Go through your wardrobe and recycle anything you no longer use. Wipe out the inside of cupboards to freshen them up.
Get the kids involved – time to clear out the old toys they have outgrown. Kids learn by example and it’s a great way to let them see that houses don’t tidy, or clean, themselves!
Curtains and rugs – take them outside and give them a good shake. Dust curtain poles etc. Pull out all of the furniture for that once-a-year deep clean.
In the kitchen – blitz the fridge, freezer and cooker. Make it sparkle and then keep on top of it by wiping things over at least once a month. Then move on to the bathrooms – discard any products you no longer use as you clean out cupboards etc.
Then stand back – savour that fresh, clean smell and remind yourself that the way to stop something being a big CHORE is to keep on top of it. Why not plan to have a once-a-month targeted clean? Cleaning an oven or fridge after only a month’s use is infinitely easier than cleaning it every six months etc.
The annual clean can also involve touching up damaged woodwork, or giving a room a quick lick of paint to freshen it up. I’ll have more tips on how to save time and money when it comes to house maintenance in a later post. But if time is a precious commodity in your life, being organised can save you A LOT OF TIME – believe me, that was one of my biggest life lessons!
Of course, it’s not just old wives’ tales that endorse the benefits of the BIG clean. Have you heard of Feng Shui? It endorses some of nature’s most basic principles. This is a lady I’ve followed for a while:
I’m constantly searching for ways to enhance and make my life better. It’s all about generating that feelgood factor. I’ve been more than happy to adopt some of the Feng Shui principles that have resonated with me. I was delighted to discover that there were quite a few I’d been embracing quite naturally for many years. Why not click and have a read – you might find something of benefit to you.
OK – we’re done with cleaning, how about raising a smile? I like to have things around me that instantly raise a smile. From the kitsch, to the statement piece – and often it’s not expensive, just fun. Here is a modern version of a cuckoo clock (from Dunelm) hung on a stencilled tree in the kitchen. It make the corners of my mouth go up every time I walk past it and the kids absolutely LOVE it!
Surround yourself with things that make you smile
My best, fun purchase this month was £8 from Primark. I’m a cat lover – what can I say? If you love the Pusheen emoji’s what’s more fun than jumping into bed wearing this?
Managing one’s time – life/work/family – is the key to feeling less stressed and happier. Decluttering, getting organised and making the mundane easier = a good investment.
Pop back next month to see what bargains I’ve managed to stumble across and more tips on how to organise your life/home/family whilst staying reasonably sane…
Remember: some things in life are down to the choices we make, so make them good ones!
Please note – all opinions are my own. Any products/links I share are because I have purchased, or used the product, and I have no affiliation with the product/person/organisation. As they say – sharing is caring and if you find something you like then job done! Until next time…
Future posts include:
The fight to keep fit; ergonomics when you spend hours at your PC; keeping calm when the pressure is on; life hacks and much more!
It’s been a while since I had the time to blog, but I’m sure many people would agree that sharing can be a very cathartic process. So, here is the first post in a series I’m calling: The Happiness Factor. I will be sharing my top tips on everything – from the world of writing, to interior design ideas and anything in between, which I think might help someone else on their own life journey! In particular, the things that help to keep me sane, despite the madness swirling around me.
Grabbing life and running with it has always been my motto. But that’s easy to say and the reality is that life is never easy for any of us!
It’s taken me three years to re-balance my life and I did this by telling myself I needed to work SMARTER and not HARDER. In truth, I couldn’t possibly have worked any harder. But everything I was doing at that time meant something to me, so there were some very tough choices to be made.
After running the online e-magazine Loveahappyending.com, it was very sad to say goodbye to it because the editors, contributors and readers had become a big part of my life. But I was also a writer, a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a friend, and a colleague.
What I learnt was that if you spread yourself too thinly then this is what happens:
a) you end up frazzled
b) when something insignificant goes wrong it can often feel like the final straw
c) you start to feel guilty if you can’t be everything to everyone and instantly available
d) opportunities that come your way begin to pose a real dilemma as you know that grabbing them could leave you feeling conflicted
So what is the answer to maintaining one’s sanity?
Well, you sit and meditate. What are your hopes and dreams? What will it take for YOU to remain happy and motivated, so you can continue to fulfil all those other roles you have in your life?
I learnt that letting go is hard.
I learnt that I deserved to think about what I wanted and not just think about other people, because it gave my life balance.
Balance made me happier and saying ‘no’ is sometimes the only way to maintain one’s sanity.
Three years on and I’m now the author of an Amazon UK top 5 novel ‘Snowflakes over Holly Cove’. And in that time I’ve had another six novels published by two different publishers. Thanks to my lovely readers, they have all had best-seller flags around the world and as an author that is what keeps me writing. It’s the thought that people are escaping into my stories that validates the work I do and that’s reader power, folks!
But even when you do something you love, and you work hard to keep that life/work balance in check as best you can, stress is never far away. I’ve just been through one of the most exciting, stressful, exhilarating and testing months of my life. Everything from major work decisions, to celebrating the 10th anniversary of the loss of my lovely mum.
Taking a little time out to smell the roses …
And what I discovered was that three years on from my major working smarter – not harder initiative, it was time for another overhaul!
This time I had to go back to basics and that was to get back in touch with the inner me. With a massively busy work desk and meetings requiring travel, family commitments and a cold that felt more like the ‘flu, I will admit it knocked me sideways.
I allowed myself some guilt-free down time. Now, as a person who thrives on being productive, achieving something – whether it’s painting a wall, cleaning the house, or writing a book – that’s not easy for me to do. Five minutes sitting in the garden and I’m bored, so I’m up and weeding. But my gut instincts were telling me I needed to rest, relax and think.
I used the time to catch up on one of my favourite past times – discovering what the planetary alignments were doing to make this particular Gemini’s life so crazy! I follow the awesome Susan Miller:
The result was that I shook that flu-like cold much more quickly than a lot of people I knew who also had it. I came to terms with some very difficult decisions (more news on that to come) and I recharged my batteries. It also helped to explain why life was speeding up, and for those who believe in this sort of thing, that is an ENORMOUS help. It wasn’t just me, honestly – many Geminis would have felt the effects!
Am I super excited about my next steps? Absolutely!
Did I fight off the stress demons? Yes!
Now, you might not be into astrology or tarot. Your go-to relaxation/support mechanisms/head-clearing aids might be listening to music, or watching films. Or nights out with friends…
Whatever works for you, it’s important to realise WHEN you need to take that time out and WHAT works best. Try to avoid things you might end up regretting – a shopping spree, or comfort eating (a little is fine in my book!) for example. And feel confident that the people around you will understand if you suddenly need to spirit yourself away to a quiet place for a short while. Those who don’t, don’t really know or care for you.
I’m back working on edits for my next Christmas novel and feeling re-energised. And grateful to Susan, Nicholas and Adalina for their part in lifting my spirits and reminding me to listen to what my gut instincts were trying to tell me.
I thought it would also be fun to talk about my ‘best buys‘ – I do love a bargain and this handbag/backpack from makers Bessie was only £25 from TK Maxx! If you haven’t discovered this range of bags here is their website: https://www.bessielondon.com/
Good quality bags at affordable prices and some beautiful designs!
In future posts I will share products I’ve purchased which for one reason or another, I’ve found a boon. In particular, a back-brace I use when I’m spending long hours at the keyboard; and products I use to create a relaxing environment in my study.
I knew in early 2019 that it was going to be an exciting year, but that means lots of hard work and making sure I keep myself in good shape physically and mentally. So, of course, I’ll also be sharing my top tips on that, too!
Wishing everyone a happy April – thanks so much for dropping by and do pop back to check out the next Happiness Factor blog, which will include:
My favourite Feng Shui practices; why the annual clean/de-clutter is a good idea (yes, really!) and why walking into your favourite room should always make you smile!
Please note – all opinions are my own. Any products/links I share are because I have purchased, or used the product, and I have no affiliation with the product/person/organisation. As they say – sharing is caring and if you find something you like then job done! Until next time…
Without a doubt the star of The French Adventure is Ziggy. Her appearance in this feel-good story of new beginnings, set in France, was a cameo role. But it was also an important part of the story because it showed how perceptive cats are when it comes to deciding who they allow to cuddle them! And it helped endorse the closure of one relationship for Anna.
Is she real? You bet and my husband and I dote on her … she is our little princess and the boss of the house.
She sits with me when I write, often making me stop as she ‘talks’ to me (she can be VERY vocal) and I end up following her downstairs to see what she wants. Sometimes it’s a chicken treat, other times it’s because she wants me to open the door rather than use the cat flap! If I pretend I can’t hear her she’ll simply get between me and the screen, or jump up on my lap making it impossible for me to type.
So many readers have asked about her that I decided to introduce her properly. She enters the story here:
Suddenly, I hear a loud meow that sounds uncannily like ‘now’, as a little cinnamon and brown ball of fur comes running in our direction and literally launches herself into my arms. I’m almost bowled over by the force with which we collide and hold onto her tightly while I regain my balance.
‘You missed me then?’ I whisper into her fur.
Now Bengals are known for being very vocal indeed, but Ziggy’s response is a long one that seems to go on and on. I imagine it’s along the lines of ‘Where have you been? No one does a tummy tickle quite like you and it’s unfair to make me wait so long.’ Or maybe she’s just complaining that she’s hungry and telling me off for not heading straight into the kitchen.
I’ve missed her so much, but Karl is allergic to cats and it was yet another moment in my life when Mum and Dad saved the day and took Ziggy to France with them. It was a huge wrench, as she’s my little star, but at two years old I figured she was young enough to cope with the upheaval. And I was right, because according to Mum she spends most of her time exploring the neighbouring fields and is a diligent mouser: frequently leaving presents outside the back door.
How ironic that Karl is now firmly in my past and yet it would be unfair of me to expect my darling girl to be uprooted again. At the time, he couldn’t understand how upset I was to be parted from her.
‘She’s just a cat. Animals re-adjust very quickly. She’ll soon forget you and learn to love whichever hand feeds her.’ His comment had stung. I remember thinking that this was a man who wasn’t brought up with animals. They never forget someone who has shown them love – ever. Suddenly I feel a sense of peace washing over me – I’m home and yet this has never been my home, as such.
I’m afraid that anyone who can say ‘just a cat’ isn’t the right one for Anna Lacey … but in the story Ziggy soon makes her presence, and her preferences, known!
In real-life, Ziggy’s a cat who likes to climb inside boxes, even though she has a cuddly nest, a very tall climbing tower and about a dozen ‘Ziggy’ spots around the house. If you sit in one of them she soon lets you know!
She loves to climb both indoors and out of doors. Ziggy will bring in presents … mice and, sad to say, the occasional bird. We have managed to rescue quite a few of her little gifts, who went on to live a happy life – we hope.
Before we had Ziggy, our previous cat, Tiggy, was with us for nine years. He was a black and white farm kitten; the runt of the litter and the feral side of his nature meant he could switch from wanting his tummy tickled to swiping out at you. But when he wanted his cuddles he reverted to kitten mode and losing him broke our hearts.
Ziggy came along six months after our loss and without him the cottage we lived in at the time felt empty. Full, whenever the family arrived – but even sadder when they left.
Princess Ziggy is a delight. When the sun shines on her fur the tips are like little golden pinpricks. Her favourite toys are small plastic balls and the caps off water bottles, which she flips in the air with her paws and will happily play with for hours. Oh, and feathers … and felt mice which we hope will make up for the fact our new house is no longer in the middle of a forest.
Bengals are very active cats and are quite demanding. When we’ve been out for the day and we arrive back home she has to be the centre of our attention for a while, or she becomes a manic cat racing around to let us know she’s missed us! But half an hour of playing, some extra treats and she’s happy to curl up on my lap, content to know that we’re back where we belong.
So, Ziggy, take a bow and I do hope you’ve enjoyed meeting her.
If you want to read the opening chapters of THE FRENCH ADVENTURE, then click here:
****The winner (drawn by Random.org) is @SimpleMeLila – congratulations Lila and mega thanks to everyone who entered!****
Today I’m celebrating the successful launch of my alter ego, Lucy Coleman, as Lucy’s debut novel with Aria Fiction, Head of Zeus hit the Amazon UK top 100 Romantic Comedy chart this week.
Of course, Lucy didn’t achieve this all on her own … she had a little help along the way. And it’s the tremendous support from the readers and reviewers who made this happen. Needless to say, both Lucy and I are thrilled!
To celebrate and as a thank you now that the launch competition has ended, there’s a new competition running until midnight Saturday, 21st April 2018. And here’s the prize!
The lucky winner will receive a bundle of three signed paperbacks written under my real name, Linn B. Halton, as well as a Hotel Chocolat & Fizz box!
There are lots of ways to enter via Rafflecopter and for those readers who aren’t on social media, but post reviews on Amazon.co.uk, you will automatically be entered into the draw. As will ALL reviews for The French Adventure appearing on Amazon.co.uk right up until the competition closes.
When I began writing for Aria Fiction and became ‘Lucy’ I had no idea how that would be received. I’ve been both happy and grateful to see a whole raft of familiar names and faces supporting her on social media and appearing in those early reviews.
I can promise you more books as Lucy – I’m currently writing the fourth novel for Aria, so stand by as I intend to fill your shelves with Lucy books! And there are more books to come writing as Linn. I can also promise MORE competitions. So I hope you’ll join in with the fun and let me take YOU on #TheFrenchAdventure!
You can read chapter 1 by clicking below and scroll down to enter the competition.
Terms and conditions: UK only (sorry); anyone can enter. The winner will be announced on Monday 23 April, 2018 and the winner has FIVE DAYS in which to claim their prize. After that date a replacement winner will be picked. Good luck to all who enter and a mega thank you, one and all!
And I’ve been dying to say this for quite a while –
I’m celebrating the launch of ‘Christmas at Bay Tree Cottage‘ with a competition!
‘The perfect Christmas read to touch the heart’ Bestselling author Christie Barlow
The countdown to Christmas is usually a magical time, but Elena James is fed up with living on a building site! The renovations on her beautiful cottage – like her heart – have been frozen in limbo ever since she was unexpectedly widowed.
Elana calls in a professional, Luke Stevenson, to help finish the cottage, so her little girl can send letters to Santa up the newly-repaired chimney. Luke’s kind, capable and sexy – but he’s also ten years younger than Elana. So why has her heart decided it’s finally time for a thaw?
The perfect read to curl up by the fire with … for fans of Rebecca Boxall.
Harper Impulse love books … and this gorgeous book bag is up for grabs, together with a signed copy of my summer 2017 best seller, The Secrets of Villa Rosso. Also a part of the prize are two, limited edition USB memory sticks.
If you would like to be the lucky winner then simply head over to my Facebook page.
Rules: International; anyone can enter and no purchase necessary. The competition closes midnight GMT Saturday 4 Nov 2017. The winner will be announced on my competition page on Monday 6 November 2017.
Don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter for news of other giveaways exclusive to that list. Thank you for dropping by and happy reading!
Thank you to everyone who entered via Facebook, Twitter and email – here are the winners!!
Please email your full postal address to: lbhalton@googlemail.com
In celebration of the launch of The Secrets of Villa Rosso
published by Harper Impulse
I will be picking some very lucky winners (a random draw will take place on 2 Aug 2017) who will each receive one of these LIMITED EDITION USB MEMORY DIRECT 8gb Card-Tab Custom Flash Drives
On the reverse of the card is a memory stick where you can save all of your amazing holiday photos – because some places stay with you forever!
UK only competition
TWITTER: Tweet me a photo of your special ‘holiday place to remember’ including @LinnBHalton and #TheSecretsofVillaRosso
Facebook: Add a photo of your special ‘holiday place to remember’ under the pinned post entitled ‘COMPETITION’ on my LinnBHaltonAuthor page and share the post on your timeline
Reviews: Tweet me a link to your review and 3 lucky winners will receive a limited edition mug + a USB stick; include @LinnBHalton and #TheSecretsofVillaRosso; if you aren’t on social media email me a link to your review at: lbhalton@googlemail.com
All prizes must be claimed by 9 August 2017; after that date an alternative winner will be chosen
Anyone can enter (but this is a UK only competition); competition runs from 21 July 2017 – 31 July 2017 inclusive
Prize winners will be announced here on Wednesday 2 August 2017
Some places stay with you forever…
When Ellie Maddison is sent on a business trip to Southern Italy, she’s reminded why she loves her job – set amongst rolling vineyards and rich olive groves, the beautiful Villa Rosso is the perfect escape from her life back home. But what Ellie isn’t prepared for is the instant connection she feels to the estate’s director Max Johnson, or the secrets they share that are as intertwined as the rambling vines that cover Villa Rosso.
It’s not long before Ellie finds herself entangled in the history of the place, trying to understand the undeniable effect Max is having on her. As their relationship grows, what will Ellie discover about this idyllic villa and those who have walked through its doors?
What started as a simple work trip will change Ellie’s life forever.