I hit the ground running – is there any other way? Especially as this month’s full moon on 27 March was heralded as an ‘angry’ one. Similar to the ‘monster moon’ on 29 September last year, like it or not life doesn’t run as smoothly when the cosmos isn’t happy. If you don’t follow astrology or horoscopes, that doesn’t mean it hasn’t affected you or the world around you. Family problems came to the fore with this angry moon and every family goes through periods where life isn’t quite so easy. What can you do? Listen mainly, be there when you can.
This week my little charge was poorly, so it was dinosaur play, lots of cuddles and books. We did manage to get out and about on one of the days and I marvel at the way he makes me see life in quite a different way. When the rest of my week is spent online or writing, it’s a refreshing break and re-charges my batteries. I MUST stop working 7 days a week though…
For Loveahappyending Lifestyle magazine I found out all about a new action romance imprint:
Newcastle based independent publisher Myrmidon launches PULSE
I love doing the People with a passion feature as I get to meet some really motivated, passionate and inspiring people. The launch of this imprint kicks off with a big competition and a contract is on offer for one lucky author!

As editor of The Bookshelf newsletter I had the pleasure of talking with Black and White Publishing to bring together an interview with the amazing Daniela Sacerdoti – that goes out this weekend. Daniela’s latest novel, Watch Over Me, has sold more than 150,000 ecopies!
Also in the next newsletter is an interview with DizzyC – aka Carol Wright – an amazing and passionate book reviewer who runs DizzyCsLittleBookBlog. I had the pleasure of meeting DizzyC at last year’s Festival of Romance…
Which brings me on nicely to my next task for the week, which was to begin talks with Festival of Romance organiser Kate Allan for a little event Loveahappyending Lifestyle will be doing … more news about that, and the authors involved, coming soon! Mark the date on your calenders – it’s the weekend of 9-11 November 2013!
I treated myself to an indulgent couple of hours creating my own new look ‘bookshelf’:
This was yet another huge learning curve for me, but I do enjoy the process of learning something new. Albeit at times it can be rather frustrating if time is short and I have emails flooding into the three inboxes I look after, or deadlines for articles. However, this was something I’d been meaning to get my head around for a long time and I was thrilled with the result.
And I have a confession… when it comes to guilty secrets I also indulged myself on Pinterest with a brand new board – ROMANTICA! Well, it was the week of my wedding anniversary and a time when I’ve been reflecting over the wonderful and romantic times since that ‘I do’ moment…
Well, week 2 of my diary and I feel liked I’ve crossed a bridge to a higher vantage point and can now see for miles! To the extent that I actually gave myself a WHOLE evening off to celebrate my wedding anniversary; usually I would come back from an evening out and sit in front of the computer screen for a moment… err…. couple of hours! You know how it is, time just flies.
Now that I’m keeping a list ready for my weekly diary post, I found that looking at the amount of work I’ve gotten though is beginning to put things into perspective for me. Admittedly my ‘to do’ list is growing by the day and sometimes I add more than I cross off, but it reminded me to be ‘satisfied’. It allowed me to feel a sense of contentment, something as one’s own boss I find rarely happens. You focus on what you haven’t yet done, rather than what you HAVE done. So it was a week for taking that little walk and appreciating the daffodils, then back to WORK… of course!