Linn’s Lovely Blog Hop

Sheryl PhotoI’ve been challenged by fabulous friend, and author, Sheryl Browne, to join in the Lovely Blog Hop to share some of the things that have helped shape my writing and my life.

You can find links at the end of the post to other writers who are friends and a constant inspiration! Sheryl’s next book, The Rest of My Life, is coming soon – from Choc Lit and I’ve read ALL of her books so far, so I know this is going to be something VERY special!

So now I spill the beans …

WingsFirst Fond Memory
My very first memories were all rather obscure and that puzzled me for many years. Later memories were mostly about family members, or highlights – Christmas etc. But the very earliest ones all seemed to be linked to nightmares I had as a child and I assumed that was why those were the ones that stayed with me. However, much later in life – when I realised that many of the ‘odd’ things that had happened to me were psychic experiences, it all began to make sense.

So it didn’t start out as a fond memory, but as I realised the upside of feeling a presence around me – certainly after my father and then, my mother, passed away – it is something I look back on, gratefully. I vividly remember numerous occasions when I lay in bed, looking up at the ceiling and seeing something hovering around me. Now I believe it might have been my late grandmother. At the time, I simply remember screaming a lot and my mother would be in and out of the room, comforting me. When I didn’t settle she ended up leaving the light on and I think that became common practice in the end.

Book bugBooks and Libraries (I’m combining these as for me the two became inseparable)
As a child Enid Blyton was a firm favourite. I was soon reading way ahead of my years because I was an obsessive reader who devoured books. At around the age of eleven I was allowed to go to the local libraries alone; there were two within walking distance. It was like discovering a treasure trove.

What I found was that I could borrow almost any book at all, as long as I also took out a suitable children’s book. too. My father was an avid reader and a frequent visitor, so I think they assumed the books were for him, as in those days you were issued with tickets. I’d take mine (I think I had four, but adults could have eight) and would also take along some of Dad’s. I quickly discovered historical romances and fell in love with the Sergeanne Golon books – the Angelique series – written by Anne Golon. Then, I discovered Ian Fleming and James Bond – romance, adventure, intrigue! I also loved Wilkie Collins (The Woman in White, in particular) and Thomas Hardy – I loved the Mayor of Casterbridge.  Then Jane Austin (swoon) and Ken Follett … Discovering Stephen King gave me a few nightmares, I will admit!

After I married, Freya North, Judy Astley, Sophie Kinsella, Anna Barrie and Trisha Ashley were often reasons I burnt the tea, while trying to read AND cook.

BooksWhat’s your passion?
I think, in common with many authors I know, I have always been passionate about writing – short stories, poetry, and when I was a young teen, episodes for some of my favourite TV shows. Then getting married, having two sons and getting back into full-time employment meant I didn’t have time to write. So I had to find a creative ‘hobby’ to fit into a busy lifestyle. Interior design was perfect, but meant we had to kept changing houses so I could have new challenges!  Eventually, I was fortunate enough to make a career change to turn that  hobby into a full-time job. However, three years later my mother was unwell and I decided time with her was more precious. Unfortunately she Designingdied, unexpectedly, just three months later. That’s when my husband convinced me it was time for ‘me’ and I began writing. I wrote five manuscripts straight off in eighteen months. So writing is my real passion, but I always knew I’d have to wait, because once I’d opened the flood gates there would be no turning back. But my second passion will always be interior design – and after fourteen house moves, hopefully our current renovation project is the final one!

I did an intense one-year A-level course in commerce and Dancingaccounting at school; they found me my first job at the age of sixteen, as a secretary. I met my husband around the same time. My sights were firmly set on teaching ballroom dancing, as I had already been a teaching assistant for a couple of years. I also had a partner and we were taking very expensive lessons, paid for by my parents, to ready us for competitions. In particular Latin American and the pasa doble was my favourite, then the waltz and the foxtrot. Within six weeks of meeting my husband we were saving to get married and just a month or two later I gave up my dancing life.

Once the boys were at school I studied Business Management at Technical College and later joined the civil service. There I did a Property Management HND and had a twenty-year career in Planning and Budgeting. When I was offered a job to design interiors for show homes, it was time for a change. What I didn’t know was that just three years later I would be giving up work altogether to (at last) find time to write.

You will probably notice that there is no reference to writing courses in the above. I kept a journal of ideas for stories – ready for the day when I would sit down and write. I thought that would be when I retired. Five years before I began writing in 2009, I sat down to write my first manuscript. Just to check I was actually capable of writing anything Pen smallother than the short stories I played around with as a teenager. It turned out to be 135,000 in length and took me three months to write. Every evening after dinner was over I would sit and type until bedtime. Unfortunately, a massive water leak flooded our computer and I had no back-up in those days. The hard drive was on the way to a computer guy who was going to rescue all my information, when it was stolen. It was later found, badly damaged – they had only stolen the back-pack it was in for money and credit cards.

It was invaluable, though, as an exercise, because I learnt such a lot about the writing process: how to construct, monitor, and develop a storyline. I’m still learning and that’s a part of the thrill of writing. At the end of the day, I simply write from the heart. My style requires showing, as well as telling, because my characters reveal their deepest feelings and emotions to the reader; things that they would never voice out aloud, even to loved ones. Hopefully, my editors ensure that I get the balance right, because at the end of the day it’s about drawing the reader into the story. It’s the equivalent of 3D TV, really – you get to see both his and her points of view, and then you see what their hearts are telling them!

I’m thrilled to share some of the fabulous author friends who constantly keep me laughing, applauding their talent, and entertained when their books hit Amazon!

Georgia Hill

Audrina Lane

Katie Mettner

Julie Ryan

Darlene Jones

Thank you so much for joining me today – have a great one!

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Negativity only exists if you embrace it!

Happy peopleAs a writer I spend untold hours in the company of characters whose lives unfold with every word I write. My time is spent shaping their emotional journey and it’s akin to being a passenger on a roller-coaster ride. I draw deeply upon my own emotional experiences and often find myself having to take those feelings to the extreme in order to develop a story.

I cant I cantBut there are two sides to an author’s writing life – penning the stories themselves and the promotional side. Some days it feels like stepping off of one ‘ride’, only to climb onto another. Publishing might be one of the most thrilling businesses to be in, but it also tests you to the max!

Negativity is never very far away, is it? A part of my ‘working smarter and not harder‘ initiative (six months in and each day gets a little easier, I promise, if you decide to try it for yourself), is to avoid unnecessary stress and negativity.

I canLife without a certain level of stress is not only an impossibility, but it would be rather … ordinary, lack-lustre. I enjoy the pressure of a deadline, or a last-minute request, and the adrenalin kicks in releasing those happy endorphins – a natural opiate!

Re-organising all aspects of my life to allow me time to indulge in some things I do purely for pleasure, has definitely seen a rise in those happy little fellas telling my brain my work/life balance is improving! So when I am under pressure/stress it’s easier to cope with it, as I’m starting from a more relaxed place.

Negativity, though, is like dodging bullets coming at you from all angles. Switching off from people who – somehow, and often without realising it – sow seeds of self-doubt or blatant negativity around you, is actually easy once you recognise how harmful that is to you. However, negativity can also come from within and that’s far more dangerous and powerful!

At the risk of sounding like a wanna-be life coach who hasn’t had the necessary training … what I want to say is that living life IS a training ground. Negativity will ONLY exist in your life if you CHOOSE to embrace it – and why would you? The choice really is YOURS.

As you can probably tell, I’ve recently had reason to spend a lot of time delving deeply into some very raw emotions surrounding negativity, as I worked on my most recent novel. It’s useful and often invaluable, because it makes me think about specific things from all angles – his point of view, her point of view … and my point of view!

SO LBH medIn Sweet Occasions, Katie’s relationship with her partner is complicated by so many draining emotions – coping with a life-changing illness, disappointment, loyalty and fear of change. She loses touch with what matters to her, deep down inside, and is on the brink of sacrificing her own dream for altruistic reasons.

She has realised her life’s dream of setting up her own bakery. Her main aim is to be able to pay the bills and grow the business gradually, doing something that has been a life-long passion. Her partner, Steve, is a business advisor and he’s the voice of negativity in her life – ‘You have to run a business with your head and not your heart, Katie!’

Great advice, we know, but those around you see YOUR life from a slightly different perspective, coloured by their own goals, experiences, and aims in life. What works for one person, isn’t necessarily right for another. The moral here? Distance yourself from negativity, but  also don’t be a CREATOR of negativity. Whether that’s internally, or by unwittingly being a purveyor of negativity to those around you.

Love someone enough to understand their dream and trust that even if it all falls apart, at least they won’t have to live with ‘if only I’d …’. They will simply pick themselves up and move on. As we all do.

Just remember those two little words – I CAN and if it turns out  that YOU CAN’T, simply try another way or something else … no experience is ever wasted!

Until next time …

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Life’s too short not to be a romantic at heart – despite the risks!

Risks? This is LOVE we are talking about here, isn’t it? Yes.

I think young Sam in the film Love Actually (2003 – Richard Curtissee the quote in context here) – put it very succinctly when he was explaining to his step-father, Daniel, about the girl he worshipped from afar. Daniel’s response (to Sam’s odd behaviour following the death of his mum) was:

“Oh, OK, right. Well, I’m a little relieved.  I thought it might be something worse.”  

 “Worse than the total agony of being in love?”

In love with love sml

Is it agony? Yes, it can be, and even when things go well, the effects on the brain and body from hormones, adrenaline and pheromones is a lethal cocktail. I came across this article by Andrew Koltonow that informs us that ‘Twelve to 18 months into a relationship, both serotonin and the stress molecules are restored to normal levels’ … and it gives way to calm and joy’.


Why was I researching the physiological symptoms of falling in love? Well, I’m a novelist and writing love stories is what I do! But the tremendous excitement of falling in love with ‘the one’ has never, ever left me – even though those feelings are now lovingly wrapped in emotions that run much, much deeper.

So I’m going to be celebrating February, the ‘the month of love’ on my AuthorLinnBHalton Facebook page with love quotes that resonate with me and also with my favourite quotes from my own novels.

What’s the most powerful thing I’ve written so far, to sum up the devastation when love ends? In Falling: Angels Among Us The Complete Series, Ceri is forced to walk away from the person she believes is her soul mate:


I knew each step towards building my new life was going to be mercilessly straightforward. I would have welcomed a battle, if only to have an excuse to let rip the horrible mix of emotion within me. The path mapped out before me is clear. The plan was merely to disconnect myself from Alex completely, so that he would realise it was over between us. Alicia is his future, but it’s too soon for him to understand that. The circumstances have yet to unfold.

I threw my SIM card away and purchased a new number as soon as I’d found a place to rent. It was on the other side of town, so there was little likelihood of bumping into Alex and it meant I could still keep my day job. It is all happening so instinctively now I’m really listening to what my core vibes are telling me, that I hardly have to tune in. This isn’t about starting over again, only correcting one painful mistake: sleeping with Alex, oh, and falling in love with him.

I try to accept the inevitable, simply because I – of all people – should know better. Alex’s pain wears more heavily upon me than my own. He emails me dozens of times each day.

I will never stop loving you until my last breath…

I need you, I can breathe without you. I can’t sleep, I can’t eat…

I know you would not do this to us unless you had no choice…

I forgive you, but I cannot believe in a divine power who would think of our love as anything other than something extraordinary and meaningful. I go on because I’m too cowardly to take the easy way out…

I lie in bed at night and my hands remember your body, my mouth longs to kiss you just one more time…

Nothing matters to me now, without you by my side. I will accept it because I know how much you love me. You can’t hide that from me. We belong to each other no matter what…

There has to be something we can do, Ceri, I can’t accept this. I don’t care if I go to hell, if that’s the price I have to pay…

His emails are long, his mood swings reflect the emotional roller-coaster he’s on, one moment desperate and the next forgiving. Each one tears another hole in what’s left of my heart.

How I wish that were true new

Yes, love is TOTAL agony at times – but it’s also delicious, thrilling and reminds us we are ALIVE!

Until next time …

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Blogs worthy of a visit – it’s the Very Inspiring Blogger Award!

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

I was thrilled to receive this award from the very inspiring author and blogger, Melanie Robertson-King and it’s my pleasure to nominate some of the blogs that I enjoy reading.

A part of the ‘acceptance’ of the award is to list three things that have inspired me during the past few weeks:

1. Working smarter and not harder has allowed me to returnPublication1 to blogging, whereas my focus for a while has had to be writing novels and magazine articles. The two are very different animals and I regard ‘blogging’ as a bit of a guilty pleasure – but then I seem to have quite a lot of those! So I will be blogging on a regular basis for those who have time to while away … I’m always long-winded, but that’s me!

2. A really good friend advised me to forgive myself whenever I couldn’t take something on, simply because I’m over-committed. This was first said about a year ago and I’m still not comfortable saying ‘no’ to anything/anyone, but I have reached the point where I no longer stress about accepting it’s inevitable sometimes.

3. Kindnesses come in all forms and very recently someone I hardly know did me a very great kindness! It took my breath away for a moment as it was something I really wasn’t expecting and for that I’m grateful!

And now it’s my turn to share some of the fab blogs that make me smile:

Mandy Baggot – for sharing the fun and turning me on to Nashville!

Janice Horton – for taking me to some wonderful and exotic places:

Leslie, The Duchess of Dirt – a gardening inspiration!

Anneli Purchase – some beautiful photos and quilting …

Bouncing Barb – for some stunning beach photos and making me smile:

Patricia Sands for a flavour of France …

Kit Domino – there’s always something artistic on offer!

The man who gives me my Friday smile on Twitter – John Jackson:

The HarperImpulse blog HAS to have a mention here!

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And the recently revamped (by Stephanie Keyes) LLm Authors’ Cafe:

Well, it’s been a busy week and I had no idea I’d be blogging this morning! I’m also on Loveahappyending Lifestyle magazine today interviewing wonderful artist, Ray Brilli.

In love with love smlI’ve been busy planning a month-long, February feature ‘In Love with Love’ on my LinnBHaltonAuthor Facebook page. I’ll be posting short clips from some of my novels to celebrate the month of LOVE – or is that angst, roller-coaster emotions and stress? Ha! Ha! Do drop by, as I’ll be awarding some spot prizes and have free ecopies of some of my novels to hand out. If you take part watch out for a DM if your name is drawn!

I hope everyone has a great weekend – until next time!

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For my fab nominees, if you wish to take part in sharing your award: the rules are:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you, and link to their blog.
  2. Display the award logo.
  3. Nominate at least 15 other blogs (more or less) and provide a link where they may be found.
  4. Then, go to their blog, leave a comment to let them know they have been nominated, and where to find the information they need to accept (rules).
  5. Mention three things that inspired you the most during the past few weeks.

Working SMARTER and not HARDER requires change

Peace and happiness

A close second to the pursuit of love (and who doesn’t want a soul mate?), must surely be attaining inner peace and happiness. That’s not easy in the manic world in which we live where the craziness of email, mobiles, and social media mean we are often expected to be available 24/7.

Last year I started work on my ‘working smarter and not harder’ goal. Yes, it’s not just a saying that magically changes your life! I’m afraid you have to put in a lot of work to ‘set it up’.

So what did I do? Well, for one thing I trusted that family and friends, old and new, would understand that as a typical Gemini I’m always going to take on way too much. I have a full family life with hands-on action with little ones every week; I write – at least two novels a year and have over a dozen published books to promote; I’m responsible for four websites including this one and am managing editor for an online emagazine; I’m chief painter and decorator – side-kick to my other half who does all the hard work, as we renovate an old cottage. We also have a large garden that had to be tamed last year and maintained/improved each spring/summer. I’m also a ‘listening ear’ for a lot of people and that, too, at times can be time-consuming.

??????But I wouldn’t change a thing. The difference (under my new regime) is that I forgive myself if I can’t be everything to everyone. I do what I can and accept that, after five crazy years of burning the candle at both ends, it’s time to get back to a normal working day. Yes, I do sometimes work late into the night, or through the night, and at weekends if we’re not socialising, but I no longer expect that of myself. I do it when/if it feels right, rather than making myself when clearly I’m too tired.

The second part in attaining that glib ‘working smarter and not harder’ statement, is that I’ve spent six months stream-lining a lot of things I do. Those changes have impacted on other people I work with, and again, I had to trust that they would understand. It has also meant delegating and handing over responsibility for some things. I don’t have a problem with that, but when I know how much work is involved then I hesitate to ask that of anyone other than myself!

Six months on and I’m just beginning to feel the benefits as my life normalises and I get out of the habit of working a sixteen-plus hour day. It’s invigorating and there is a sense of peace and tranquility about it, which = happiness.

TQG med

My BOOK NEWS is that I will be publishing two new books this year. The first is Quintessentially Yours, the sequel to The Quintessential Gemini.

Katherine Dale lives her life according to her daily horoscope forecast – and the fun continues in book 2.

QYours final medium

The second novel is The Man Who Can:


What do you do when your best friend has an affair with the man to whom you’ve been Cottagemarried for twenty-five years? The father of your two children and the person you trusted with your heart? Not to mention the best years of your life …

Well, you pack your bags, grab half of the equity in the house you’ve both lovingly restored and run away to an idyllic little cottage in the country.

I suppose not having the cottage surveyed was the first mistake—buying with your heart, and not your head, isn’t the wisest move. The second was moving in six days before Christmas, the day the heavens decided to open and the rain just kept on coming.

Maddie Brooks grits her teeth and hires the highly recommended ‘man who can’, ex-soldier Lewis Hart. As he rips out the very shabby, and decidedly not-so-chic kitchen, reality sets in. Not only is he the most abrupt person she’s ever met, but the man is a Neanderthal!

As the flood waters rise, and the village is cut off, everything that could possibly go wrong, does. How bad can it get, Maddie asks herself? Well, that was before she found herself living with no central heating and no kitchen, and the ‘man who can’ as an unexpected house guest.

Hitting the big five-o two days before Christmas, is the final straw. No presents, family or friends – just The Man Who Can, who can’t leave because the flood has now cut off his exit. How on earth is she going to get through this and put her life back together?

Can Maddie Brooks become that ‘fifty-and-fabulous’ woman of her dreams?

What defines YOU? Wife, mother, grandmother, colleague – or is there another person buried deep within, who is struggling to be heard?

What else do I have planned for 2015? Yes, more projects, but I will be watching that work/life balance. But life is also a lot shorter than we all think, it goes by in a flash and I wouldn’t be making the most of it if I didn’t grab it with enthusiasm and joy. If I can work smarter and not harder, then anyone can! Until next time …

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The Quintessential series – humour, laughter and a few tears …


TQG med

The Quintessential Gemini is proudly sporting a brand new cover …

and Katherine Dale is leaking tears everywhere. Why? Well, all will be revealed in the sequel:

QY title

coming in spring 2015!

What do the reviewers think of The Quintessential Gemini and Katherine Dale’s life story?

A really delightful story which at times made me laugh and others I cried. Well written and a good romance story that was really enjoyable.

I felt there was everything in this book – drama, romance, humour and a great weave of characters

A delightful story set in a quaint English village with characters you will think you’ve met before! I loved old Jake and Tom the postman!

Extracts from

And as for Katherine, can we (dare we) ask how it’s going? Will Quintessentially Yours see your career flying and everything finally falling into place?

“It’s bad news. The revised manuscript I submitted for book number three, The Crescent Moon, hasn’t been accepted. Larraine Cinderman has taken over as my editor and after making revisions in the light of some of her comments, she has once again rejected it.”

 Dear Katherine
Whilst the synopsis is now more in line with where I think you should take this story, there are areas that are weak and require a total re-write. The protagonist, Jeff, isn’t coming to life and there are several chapters which, in my opinion, should be cut.
I think we’re going to pass on this one, but of course that’s only our opinion and another publisher may well be prepared to take it on.
In the meantime if you have anything else, please do send it in for consideration.
Regards, Larraine

“I close my eyes for a few moments to acknowledge the punch that hits me square in the stomach. Gut-wrenching hardly describes the way I feel, as if someone has told me my newborn is the ugliest child they have ever seen. Finishing a manuscript is like giving birth, you love this thing you have created. It’s a part of you and if anyone criticises it, they might as well be assaulting you with physical blows. It hurts.”

We guess that’s a no, then Katherine. See you in the spring ….

The End is simply the start of a new beginning …

As soon as I’d written ‘The End’ to the third novella in my Harper Impulse series Angels Among Us (Falling, Forbidden and Forever), I knew it wasn’t quite the end.  Well, I suppose that was obvious as I’d already come up with two endings for Forever. But that’s the way it is when you are writing a story. It has a life all of its own.

This series is such a mixture of research and fiction, with an over-riding love story to add as many complications as you can possibly want, and for which the ideas were limitless.

But the ending has to do the story justice and Forever ends with a scene that needed an explanation. Whether or not you’ve read the three novellas, there’s a surprise waiting for you in Falling: The Complete Angels Among Us Series. I was delighted when the HarperImpulse team announcement was released today:

As an author it’s thrilling to be able to write on past ‘The End’ and the opportunity to add that into the series will, I hope, answer some of the questions that might have been left in readers’ minds. Do YOU ever wonder ‘what happens next?’ Well, I’m about to tell you just that …. and it’s all in the series collection.

To everyone who has downloaded and read, or reviewed the novellas, Falling – Forbidden – Forever, I would like to thank you for being a part of this journey with me. The support and feedback I  have received for this series has been amazing. I hope new readers will enjoy reading them in one collection and that I’ve taken the story to the ultimate ending!

Ceri couple