Having a ‘HOT’ time, and I’m not referring to the weather…

Its-always-about-the-romance.jpgSometimes having fun can just feel like pure, indulgent decadence! I arrived home from the 2013 Romantic Novelists’ Association Conference, held in Sheffield, having had a whirlwind long weekend and a glass or two of wine.

Ceris journey angels 3D why me (189x250)With temperatures soaring, and still being in party mode, I arrived back to a wonderful review for Ceri’s journey: Angels. The amazing book review blogger Dizzy C made my day, not only because it was an amazing review, but (and I quote) “the tension between these two characters is hot”.

Read Dizzy’s full review here: http://dizzycslittlebookblog.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/review-ceris-journey-angels-novella.html

Of course, that has now spurred me on to keep up that tension as I write the second half of part three in this series! If you think Angels ends on a cliffhanger, Truth (part two – out in November) will leave you open-mouthed!  So I think I’m set for a very HOT week in all!

Huge thanks to Dizzy C and to everyone I met up with (new friends and old) at the Conference. It was my first one and I can honestly say that the talks were worth their weight in gold. I came away with a book full of notes, having had a wonderful time and I can’t wait for next year!

RNA conference 2013 at Sheffield

Pop over to my FB page to see lots more photos
https://www.facebook.com/linnbhalton/photos and what happened at the conference…stays at the conference ha! ha! My lips are sealed…but I know a few secrets now!

A quick thank you to long-suffering other half, Lawrence! He took two days off work to be at my beck and call and then drop me at the train station. Without his help I would have arrived with a suitcase stuffed with goodness knows what, in a last-minute panic. The day before leaving I was up to my ankles in water with a three year old who has a good aim with a hosepipe! As it was, I arrived looking relatively cool and co-ordinated…husbands are the best, aren’t they?

Have a great week all!
