Reviews for ‘Touched By The Light’

Touched by The Light cover
a psychic romance novel


The cover of a book does, without a doubt, draw you to a particular title.

The blurb on the jacket may entice you, but it’s always nice to read what other people have to say about it, isn’t it?
Here is a selection of the reviews for ‘Touched By The Light’, which I hope will make this book one you will want to take home and read for yourself:-



Review posted by Alice Berger, reviewer and author Mya isn’t quite sure where she is, when she suddenly realizes she’s no longer in her body. She remembers a hospital and workers scurrying around her, but then she makes her way toward the light and reaches what she thinks is the other side. But where is everyone else? Why isn’t anyone around to help her adjust?

Laurel is able to communicate with spirits, and she and Mya become friends. Drawn to Laurel’s relationship with Dan, Mya is convinced she’s in this purgatory of sorts in order to help them. But then she loses touch with Laurel and begins a new friendship with Dan – this time without the benefit of speaking.

It’s impossible for me to tell much more about this story without giving away all the intricate plot twists that make it such a fun read. Romance, good friendships, and the paranormal blend together so nicely, with a cast of believable and well-developed characters. Everyone grows as a result of their experiences, and the reader is rewarded with a happy ending.

Touched By the Light is Linn B. Halton’s first work of fiction, and it’s a dandy. I look forward to reading more from this talented new author.

Review Post by Kit Domino, artist and author

When I purchased my Kindle I promised myself I would not buy any more paper books but the release of  ‘Touched by The Light’ made me break that vow such was my enthusiasm to read this book. And I wasn’t disappointed. It is a brilliant read.

This Psychic Romance delivers on all counts even if you don’t believe in the supernatural and paranormal, life after death, spirits or anything remotely psychic. Touched by the Light draws you into the story immediately when Mya, knowing she has died, is thrust unwittingly and unwillingly into a quest to bring together two love-torn people, Laurel and Dan.

There are no ghosts to spook you, just one or two things that do go bump in the day; a door slamming, items being thrown across a room but these are just ways Mya makes herself known to Dan. Laurel can talk to spirits, and Mya finds herself able to communicate with her, trying to make sense of her own predicament as well as solving Laurel’s difficulties even when summoned by a Ouija board and a medium who tries to make sense of what is going on in their two worlds.

Although at times we do lose sight of Mya a little along the way, the ending is surprising, raising more questions than can possibly be answered on this journey into the spirit world, but a satisfactory conclusion nonetheless.

New writers are frequently told not to write in the first person because of how limiting this is in enabling the necessary reactions and actions between characters but Linn has achieved what many writers never do. She has created strong, believable characters in an intriguing plot that moves forward a pace. Each chapter is told from one character’s viewpoint delivered in the first person. And it works! No small feat for a new writer.

So, well done Linn on a superb read. I look forward to reading more of your books in the not too distant future.

Review posted by Wilkie Martin, author

This is a good and imaginative story about the problems a young woman faces when she unexpectedly finds herself in the afterlife. It is cleverly constructed and well written with a nice romantic interplay between the characters, who are interesting and sympathetic. Just when you start to think you understand what’s happening, a couple of well-timed plot twists keep you wanting to read on as the plot moves to a satisfying finale.

Guest Post with Mason Canyon

Touched by The Light cover
Available now



Monday, 21 March 2011 and a big ‘thank you’ to Mason Canyon for featuring ‘Touched By The Light‘ in her Guest Post ‘Thoughts in Progress’.

In Mason’s own words:-

I’m a lover of books, especially mysteries but enjoy branching out into other genres as well.  I like writing book reviews and sharing them.  I also enjoy hosting authors on my blog – Thoughts in Progress – where they can share their thoughts on writing and tell everyone about their latest book releases.

It’s always fun to drop by and read her ‘Thoughts in Progress’, or even better, join up and receive her daily posts delivered straight to you Inbox!

Touched by The Light – short clips!

Touched by The Light
Touched by The Light

Following  the release of ‘Touched by The Light’ (available from Amazon) here are some extracts to give you a flavour of this story.  Mya tries to understand why she is suddenly connected to Laurel and Dan, two people she didn’t know before she saw ‘the light’.  Their relationship is in trouble, is she supposed to be helping them ?  Or is she just floundering around with no-one to guide her on her journey ….


So here I am.  It’s the weirdest thing but I seem to be watching someone else’s life  I just don’t know how else to describe it.  I’m not sure where I am – and this is going to sound even weirder – I feel ‘here’ but there’s no physical presence to this feeling.  I still feel ‘me’  – same thoughts, same memories but it’s almost like I’m floating and seeing only through my mind’s eye.  I know it sounds insane but I need to try to explain, to make some sense of it.  When I stop panicking and relax, what I see and feel is what is going on in someone else’s life.  Yes, I know, I know how it sounds but just because it sounds unbelievable that doesn’t mean I’m not experiencing it.


‘But Laurel, I’m dead.’  I’m expecting some sort of reaction here, but she just skips over my words as if they aren’t relevant.

‘You’ve probably been shown some link to your next life,’ she tells me with a slight sniff, while she dabs at her eyes with a soggy tissue.

‘Next life?  What “next life”?  You didn’t say anything about that before.’  There’s only so much earth-shattering news I can take in at any one time and this is all becoming a little over-whelming.

‘Look, sor-reee.  It’s just that I think Dan is going to break up with me and I don’t know what to do or why things are going so wrong.  I thought you were sent to help me but you’re really hard work.  You keep distracting me when I need to have my mind free to think about what’s going wrong with my life and what I’m going to do about it.’

Wow, now I feel selfish.  After all, I’m only dead and Laurel and Dan might be splitting up!  Great, I can still be sarcastic in the afterlife!


I’m increasingly finding that having no concept of time is really making things difficult.  At first, ‘down time’, as I’ve started to think of the time when I’m not linked to Laurel, was peaceful, tranquil even.  Thinking of the things that happened in my life, I wasn’t sad, but happy and I laughed a lot.  In fact, it was great.  Now things are getting complicated and I seem to be spending whatever time I have ‘unlinked’ trying to work out what’s going on.  Then, when we do link up again, I have absolutely no idea how long it’s been since the last time I saw her, or what has happened in between, it’s really diff- hell!  With no warning at all, once again I’m somewhere else.


Now that my eyes have adjusted to the darkness I scan around the room.  I can see there are seven or eight people sitting around quite a large table.  The woman who’s speaking is telling the group to put their fingers on a glass in the centre of what I can see now is a Ouija board!  Suddenly I’m being dragged up to the ceiling, directly above them.  It’s like I’m pinned up here and these people are doing this to me.  Un-be-live-able and I’m starting to fell really, really angry.


My name is Grace Norris and I’m a medium.  What does that mean?  Well, I believe that when people leave their bodies behind, what I like to think of as ‘the essence’ of the person moves on to the afterlife.  I try not to use the word ‘death’ unless I absolutely have to, because it really upsets some spirits.  Moving across into the new dimension can be very difficult, as some find it hard letting go of this side of life.  Sometimes they hang back because their loved ones can’t accept what has happened and I think they feel a sense of guilt.  I also have a personal theory that spirits sometimes instinctively fight, without being sure exactly what it is they’re fighting against or why.  It’s a pity, because what’s to come is enlightening and they find a peace and purpose that gives a point to the life they had on earth.  Well, that’s true for most spirits, but there are, of course, those who suffer unfortunate deaths or have wronged others in this life and the transition is harder for them.  But Dan’s haunting sounds unusual ……………..


‘Dan I know someone who’s doing research into telepathy, telekinesis, those sorts of things.  I think we’re looking at something a little unusual here – nothing to worry about, but if you really want some answers it might be worth us paying him a visit.  What do you think?’

‘Yeah, I’ll give anything a try.  You’re a great lady, Grace, and I appreciate your kindness.  My life at the moment seems to centre around trying to get some answers, I’ve got the list of questions – that was the easy part.’  He laughs.

‘I know, I know.  Life isn’t always going to be so tough, you know  The happiness will come, it’s in your future all right, but there are a few things you need to experience first.  Trust me, there’s nothing bad to worry about – if there was I’d be warning you!’

Author’s note – when Grace said to Dan ‘there are a few things you need to experience first’, I don’t think even she had any idea just how much of an understatement that was!  A psychic conundrum was about to unravel…